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Gartmore Community Council


The Community Council is a statutory elected body which meets to consider issues of relevance to the whole community.


It deals with planning applications, traffic and road safety, public amenities and matters brought to the Council's attention by residents.


The Council represents the community in dealings with Stirling Council and the National Park authority. The Council works in conjunction with Gartmore Community Trust with projects such as The Community Action Plan.

Additional Support

Community Council meetings are attended by representatives of the National Park and Stirling Council  councillors for the Trossachs and Teith ward (which Gartmore is part of)  :


  • Evelyn Tweed 

  • Jeremy McDonald

  • Martin Earl


More information about how Community Councils operate :

Committe Members

The committee consists of 6 elected members, who are currently :

The next elections for the Community Council are in 2023.

Get Involved

Meetings are open to all  and are held of the first Wednesday of every 2nd month.

The next meeting is at 7:30pm on Wednesday : 

05 February 2025

It will be held online using Zoom - copy & paste the link below to your browser (non-clickable) :

[ How do folk get elected in 2023 ? Whats the regulation ?] 

Stirling Council Notices

Planning applications 

[It would be great if the ones related to this area could just just pop into this heading so everyone could access them

I believe Ian gets an e mail with a link from the national park and an attachment from Stirling Council  No idea I this is possible]

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