The creation of a multi-use games area ("MUGA") within Gartmore has been a top priority for the community spanning the last 2 Community Action Plans dating back to 2012 . In the 2018 consultation, development of a MUGA was the 4th highest priority behind better broadband, better public transport and a village cafe.
Gartmore Community Trust is seeking the views of the community on its plans to develop a MUGA via an online survey. The survey is open until 30 November 2021. The input of participants will be used to shape the direction and feasibilily of the project. Individual responses will remain confidential though aggregate results will be shared. The survey takes <3 minutes to complete.
The health benefits of sport & exercise have never been more obvious than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gartmore is blessed with an abundance of outdoor space which lends itself to outdoor pursuits such as walking, trail-running, mountain biking, etc but lacks facilities for structured sports such as 5-aside football, hockey, basketball and tennis. The village's existing football pitch is under-utilised for sport and lacks the playability, appeal and versatility of modern playing surfaces and MUGA set-ups.
We would envisage that the MUGA would be utilised by a wide range of different age groups ranging all the way from pre-school children to older residents. It would offer a facility fit for not just recreational sport amongst friends, but for new clubs and events to develop and a base for training and coaching activities, not to mention a huge asset for the local primary school's PE sessions.
Gartmore has developed a reputation as a community keen to develop and improve its own amenities and facilities through the £1.3m re-development of its village hall and the acquisition of its village shop and pub. A MUGA development would further enhance the appeal of the village to new residents, protecting the longevity of the village from de-population which constantly threatens rural settings.

The dimensions of the MUGA would be approximately 36 metres x 18 metres.
It would be surrounded by a 3 metre high multi-mesh rebound fencing
The playing surface is likely to be an artificial polymeric surface to suit the mix of sports likely to be played and for low maintenance
The MUGA would be illuminated by 4 floodlights. Floodlighting is necessary to maximise usage in winter months (a key concern of grant funders) but will be subject to a time cut-off.
Line markings and net/goal (recessed)/basket equipment can be included for :

5 a side football
netball & basketball
It is proposed that the MUGA would be situated on the village's existing football pitch adjacent to the entrance to the Gartmore Estate. This site has been chosen because it is level, it requires no felling of trees or other invasive landscaping, it is close to the centre of the village, it is already owned by Gartmore Community Trust and there is a lack of availability of alternative, suitable locations.
As can be seen from the site plans above, the siting of the MUGA would not prevent usage of the remainder of the football pitch for recurring annual village events such as Gala Day, Bonfire Night, School Sports Days or general recreational activities.
If our Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs") below don't address any questions you may have, feel free to drop us an email and we'll endeavour to respond. Click to expand & collapse answers.
What happens after this consultation ? >>>>
How much will this cost and how will it be funded ? >>>>
How long will this all take ? >>>>
Will the MUGA be free to use ? >>>>
Will the MUGA have set opening hours ? >>>>
Will the surrounds of the MUGA be landscaped ? >>>>
How will you minimise the impact of the proposed floodlighting ? >>>>